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  • President's Message March 2022

President's Message March 2022

February 28, 2022 9:40 PM | John Bwarie (Administrator)

Dear Members,

It was great connecting with so many of you this past month at the SEAOSC Trivia Night and SLO Structured Connections. The conversations were energizing to say the least. A big congratulations goes out to MHP’s trivia team for their amazing win, taking home the SEAOSC perpetual trivia trophy. I would be remiss if I didn’t share my sincerest gratitude to CSI for their unwavering support of SEAOSC and the trivia evening.

February also brought us an engaging webinar on Business Development. This upbeat presentation by Lindsay Diven provided participants with networking tips and a gameplan to grow your connections. One of Lindsay’s nuggets of advice was to polish and refine your personal elevator pitch. If this is something you would like to work on, our Public Speaking Workshop is the place for you. Open to members of all age and experience levels, this workshop will allow you to develop effective communication techniques for client interactions, new business development, and internal collaboration and presentations. 

Over this past month, I also had the opportunity to attend the Structural Forum, put on by the active students of Cal Poly SLO. While chatting with students, I found myself answering one question in particular many times: what got me involved in SEAOSC? Well…

My first introduction to SEAOSC was as a student in the undergrad ARCE program at Cal Poly. Although smaller at that time, we had an active student SEAOC chapter that promoted mentorship, networking (or parties), and field trip opportunities. Ultimately, this student club gave me opportunities to step out of my comfort zone and lead. I held the Secretary position and Structural Forum Chair, two positions I embraced and made my own.

The transition into SEAOSC as an emerging professional wasn’t an automatic step for me. When I graduated and started working, I wasn’t immediately surrounded by fellow SEAOSC members. Working in San Luis Obispo made regular participation in dinner meetings or committee work unrealistic (remember, this was long before Zoom). What ultimately led me back to SEAOSC was the technical expertise and educational opportunities the Association – and its connection with SEAOC/SEAONC – provided. As the industry transitioned out of the familiar 1997 UBC, SEAOSC’s resources are what helped me advance.

So, the technical expertise is what brought me in, but the community is really what hooked me to become active. I believe that SEAOSC has given me the opportunity to cross paths with some of the most outstanding and interesting engineers – people that I don’t think I would have met any other way. The Association has also given me opportunities that I wouldn’t have been available in my firm alone. Opportunities to advocate for the profession while connecting with local and state governments. Opportunities to lead and manage on a very different scale from my intimate office setting. Opportunities to speak and present in an array of different forums. I can say with the utmost sincerity that SEAOSC has given me much more than I could ever give in return.

If you are looking for some inspiration or an avenue to get more involved in our SEAOSC community, I invite you to join us this Wednesday for a virtual Night of Engineering Inspiration where we will introduce you to change-makers and trendsetters. Alexis Clark of HILTI North America will remind us what this profession is all about and the benefits that open up to us when we give back. Hear how some of our community members are leading the industry towards a more diverse and inclusive workplace environment. And if that’s not enough, you will also hear from the eloquent recipients of the 2022 SEAOSC Foundation Student Scholarships. Just to wet your appetite, here a few words of inspiration from some of my SEAOSC friends:

By learning from and mentoring others, I find that SEAOSC is a great platform to foster community and gain visibility within the structural engineering profession.
- Jessica Chen, S.E., SEAOSC Young Member Committee Co-Chair

I am involved with SEAOSC because it is a great organization of individuals dedicated to the profession of structural engineering. It is a privilege to learn from those at the pinnacle of our profession and inspiring to engage with the next generation and future leaders of our profession. I encourage everyone to get involved. - Kevin O’Connell, S.E., SEAOSC President 2014-15

Actively participating in SEAOSC allows me to make a difference in the structural engineering community and give back to my fellow engineers who also work hard to improve the built environment. - Maria Mohammed, S.E., SEAOSC 2021-22 Board Director

I look forward to seeing you all very soon.

Warmest Regards,

Kelsey Anne Parolini, S.E.
SEAOSC President, 2021-22

PS. for you book worms out there, I have two recommendations: Talking to Strangers by Malcom Gladwell and The Engineer’s Wife by Tracey Enerson Wood. Happy reading.

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The Structural Engineers Association of Southern California (SEAOSC) is a professional association with a rich history and a commitment to shaping the future of structural engineering. This legacy continues to affect the field, as SEAOSC remains a dynamic platform for knowledge sharing, professional development, and community engagement.

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