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  • Meet SEAOSC Incoming Treasurer: Maria Mohammed, S.E.

Meet SEAOSC Incoming Treasurer: Maria Mohammed, S.E.

June 08, 2023 11:31 PM | Anonymous

Maria Mohammed is Structural Focus's Project Engineer and the incoming 2023-2025 SEAOSC Treasurer. She believes that future generations of structural engineers can benefit greatly from being involved in the SE industry. To add, Maria encourages them to be open to saying "yes" to opportunities that come their way and not underestimate the value of their contributions to any association they choose to participate in. Maria has grown professionally through her involvement in the SE industry and encourages others to do the same.

As SEAOSC's incoming treasurer, Maria emphasizes the SEAOSC community's commitment to growing the profession and admires the countless hours of volunteering and tireless work that members contribute to areas such as code development and membership engagement. Since joining SEAOSC, Maria has developed friendships with colleagues through her involvement with the membership and feels grateful for the personal growth she has experienced by being a part of the association. She has previously led the SEAOSC Communications Committee as well as served on the Board for the past two years. She currently is also the co-chair of the State Communications Committee.

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The Structural Engineers Association of Southern California (SEAOSC) is a professional association with a rich history and a commitment to shaping the future of structural engineering. This legacy continues to affect the field, as SEAOSC remains a dynamic platform for knowledge sharing, professional development, and community engagement.

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